Have You Read Everything is Figureoutable?

Everything is Figureoutable is a good read.

Have you read Everything is Figure Outable by Marie Forleo? The book was highly recommended by a friend and travel writer. We have a weekly virtual meeting to discuss progress about our blogs and potential partnerships. He talked about some of his successes after reading the book. So, I decided to give it a go. 

The author, Marie Forleo, is originally from New Jersey. She built a business and stars in her awarding-winning show, MarieTV, and The Marie Forleo Podcast. She started with nothing but her name, a dream, and her laptop. Now she writes bestsellers and helps others to pursue their dreams. Now, let me tell you about the book Everything is Figureoutable. 

Maria Forleo begins by describing where the term “everything is figureoutable” comes from and why it’s important to her. She writes how her mother used the words frequently. Her mother was handy around the house and was constantly fixing things. If she saw a leak in the roof, she repaired it. She even retiled the bathroom.

One day, her mother was repairing a transistor radio, and Marie asked what was going on with the radio. Her mom’s response was, “Nothing in life is that complicated. You can do whatever you set your mind to if you just roll up your sleeves, get in there and do it. Everything is figureoutable.” Maria Forleo says those words remain in her head and are deeply rooted in her soul.

Synopsis of the Chapters

The book has ten chapters of wisdom and advice. First, I will give a brief synopsis of each chapter without giving too much information. Then I will provide personal thoughts of what I gleaned from reading the book. The first chapter describes the term figureoutable and its philosophy. Basically, keeping that phrase in your mind and spirit can change your life. No matter what you face or experience, it is figureoutable.

Road Map

Chapter Two leads you to your road map to results. In this chapter, you are encouraged to train your brain for results and growth. To get to where you want to go or be, you need the proper roadmap. Get rid of destructive thoughts like “This won’t work for me, or I know this already.” Instead, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this, and how can this work for me?” Other tips included in this chapter are:

  1. Try it before you deny it (test it, apply it, experience it, live it)
  2. Don’t offend yourself (Your potential is limitless)
  3. Do the work (Complete the application pieces in the book)
  4. Connect with our community (collaborate with others)

The Power of Belief and Excuses

Forleo moves on in chapter three to discuss the magic and power of belief. Our beliefs control our physical and emotional being. Our beliefs influence how we think, react, and our decisions. So, if you want to create specific results, you must shape and control your thoughts and feelings. Do not underestimate the power of your beliefs and how it influences your destiny, too. 

The next chapter begins with two quotes: “The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves” by Richard Back and Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Only assholes do that by Haruki Murakami. We all make excuses for a variety of reasons. Excuses can keep us from obtaining successes or reaching goals in our lives. Everything is figureoutable, but you must eliminate excuses.

Forleo encourages us to think about how often we say the words can’t and won’t. We all say things like I can’t write my book because I don’t have enough time or I won’t get to my exercise class on time because I work long hours. I can’t travel because I have small kids. I won’t start my business until the kids are older. Marie Forleo explains that I can’t, and I won’t actually mean that you don’t really want to. If everything is figureoutable then you must eliminate excuses. 

Fear isn’t the Enemy

Fear keeps many of us from accomplishing much. Chapter five explores how to deal with the fear of anything. Everyone experiences fear at some level. It’s how one approach fear that matters. Forleo suggests that we do not look at fear as an enemy. She says action is the antidote to fear. She also states that fear is your soul’s GPS, and it points you in the direction your soul wants to go. Fear of a fall or failure is never final unless you stay down.

If you want to move forward, you must define your dream. Determining what you want is the first step to getting it. Next, the best way to figure out what you want to do and engage. Clarify and commit! Be true to yourself and your dream. In chapter six, she encourages you to write down your goals because it forces you to be clear and specific about what you want.

Start Before You’re Ready

Chapter seven’s title is Start Before You’re Ready. Are you ready? How often have you said, “I’m not ready.” Whether it’s a goal or a dream, you may not feel prepared or strong enough to push forward. In this chapter, this question comes up, “In 10 years, will I regret not doing this?” The answer is “YES!” Put yourself on the fast track by starting before you’re ready. Forleo says beware of procrastination as “research and planning.” She says it’s essential to start and get skin in the game.

Perfection is Unachievable

Chapter eight says progress, not perfection. Stop trying to do things perfectly! At the beginning of the chapter is a quote by Elisabeth Gilbert. “Perfection is unachievable: It’s a myth and a trap and a hamster wheel that will run you to death.” Many of us try for perfection before getting started. We aim for perfection, but it’s best to go for progress. Also, remember progress is not a straight line. It can zig and zag, move forward and backward, and side to side. The path may be jerky, shaky, and rocky, but don’t be too harsh on yourself.

Don’t let criticism and negativity stop you from your dream. Friends, family members, and others will be critical, harsh, and unsupportive. Some will not be as enthusiastic about your vision as you. Others will not take your dream or idea seriously. Never give up! Decline defeat! Refuse to be refused is the advice in Chapter Nine.

Your Special Gift is Enough

The last chapter delves into why the world needs your special gift. What you have to offer is unique. Bring your idea to life! You are on this earth for a reason with a unique voice and energy. Never think that you or your gift is not enough. Shine your light out, not in.

Reading the book Everything is Figureoutable gives good insight into focusing on one’s dream.

Overall the book, Everything is Figureoutable is about changing your mindset to solve significant problems, learn new skills, and discover ways to help and contribute to others. Here are a few points I gleaned from the book.

  • Every time I say I can’t, I really mean I won’t, or I don’t want to. When I say that I can’t or won’t, see the hidden reason behind say these words.
  • Clarification and motivation and the want comes after I start, not before
  • When I make excuses, they are self-limiting beliefs. Understand why they are excuses and figure out how to overcome them.
  • If I start first, I’ll discover a supply of motivation and understanding of what I should do and how I should do it.
  • Fear causes indecision which paralyzes and creates a stumbling box.
  • The only way to know whether or not I have a good idea is to take action.
  • My idea doesn’t have to be perfect for me to accomplish my goals.
  • My progress is not a straight line, and there will be some falls along the path.

If you haven’t read Everything is Figureoutable by Maria Forleo, order your copy or go to the nearest library and borrow it. Learn how to start your path to realize your dream.

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